
Posts By Nathaly

P52 – Week 15

Is this a masterpiece? Not even close. BUT…this is not natural light. This was taken in a dark room with a flash. The only window was to his left and the blinds were closed. Two thumbs up for new photography skills! Including it in my P52 to remember where I started with indoor flash photography.cflash02web

P52 – Week 14

familiaflorenz4webMy kids with my grandma. Sweetest Baby’s tongue out is the best.


Protected: Letters to Our Sons – March

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P52 – Week 13


My thoughtful kids decorated my parents’ mailbox for my birthday. They’re awesome.

P52 – Week 12

LifeSumbmissionMy baby in the arms of my grandmother. My girl will be lucky if her hands are as talented as her great grandma’s.

Braving the Cold {Brevard County Maternity Photographer}

I am not a huge fan of cold weather. Actually, I’m not a fan of hot weather either. Weather in the 70s is my happy place. This “winter” (if you can call it that), we’ve had a lot of beautiful, breezy days. The day that I shot this maternity session was not one of those days. Yes, it looked beautiful out, but weather in the 50s  with the wind chill by the river making it feel like the 40s…not great. Especially when you are wearing a spaghetti strap, like this beautiful mama to be. She and her hubby braved the cold for me so we could capture these shots for them. Meanwhile, I wore a pea coat. I felt a little like a jerk, haha. But these two were so fun to work with. You can feel the love between these two. Their little boy is a lucky kid to be coming to parents who seem like genuinely good friends who have a blast together. Can’t wait to meet him at our newborn shoot!JessicaMaternity32WEB JessicaMaternity02WEBJessicaMaternity01WEB

Protected: Letters to Our Daughters – March

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P52 – Week 11

The point of this Project 52 is for me to be using my camera every week. Not every picture is going to be a gem. Sometimes it’s just going to be a snapshot of my kid’s play. And that’s okay!!SchoolPlay

P52 – Week 10

girlsmarch03Sisters playing. Or one sister squishing the other and one sister clawing the other’s face. Call it what you will.


Project 52 – Week 9


Your eyelashes are to die for, Baby Girl.