Posts Tagged: personal

Super Moon

Moon photographer I am not. These are not masterpieces by any means. But I knew the moon was going to be huge last night and I thought it would be fun to try to get a few shots. It was going to be past my kids’ bedtime but my husband and I thought it would be cool to surprise the kids and take them to the beach to see the moon rise. We got them in their PJs and told them we were going outside to see the big, full, super moon. When we got outside, we started saying things like, “Hmmm, these houses are going to block our view. Maybe we should find a place with a better view.” The kids started giggling as we hopped into the car. As we drove we asked, “Where can we go that has less trees? Is there somewhere with NO trees?” Until finally they yelled, “THE BEACH!” They were so excited they were going to the beach in pajamas.

My awesome, supportive husband didn’t even blink when he saw me loading two cameras and a tripod into the car. Pretty sure he knew my true motives from the moment I said, “Wouldn’t it be cool to take the kids to the beach to see the super moon?”

This was my first ever attempt at pictures of the moon. I don’t have a great zoom lens, nor do I have the desire to own a great zoom lens. (Too many other lenses on my list!) I definitely didn’t nail this, but I had a lot of fun playing around. Until my kids started freaking out because it was dark and there were crabs out. My oldest was the only one who would stand still enough to try to get the obligatory “holding the moon” shot. Here they are in chronological order. 🙂
